Friday, February 3, 2012

Animal Projects

Second Graders did such a FANTASTIC job on their animal reports and projects!  Not only did my students have a chance to share their work with classmates, but we also visited the students in Mrs. Poelaert's and Miss Spiniello's classes.  Each student was assigned a student in each of the other classes to interview about their animal.  The interview questions allowed students to ask important questions, but the conversations that continued AFTER the assigned questions were asked were fun, interesting, and so engaging!  To hear second graders carry on conversations about characteristics that distinguish different species as vertebrates (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, fish) or invertebrates, about adaptations that allow creatures to live in different environments, diet, distribution, and so much more is incredible! 

Projects included puppets, dioramas, poster displays, clay models, Powerpoint slideshows, video, and more!  The students seemed to enjoy the project and obviously took great pride in presenting their work.  I also think they were impressed by their friends, as well.  It is wonderful to see students inspire each other.

Below is a short photo book that I put together.  Unfortunately a couple of students are missing, but I will add them to the page if I can get photos of them with their projects.  Enjoy!

Click to play this Smilebox slideshow


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