Monday, October 24, 2011

Onto the Garden!

   After a great morning outside with many pumpkins and parents, the kids got a break to eat lunch and have recess.  Then, though, it was back to work!  Mrs. Cooke, and her friend J.T., brought their super helpful "Gardens With Spirit" trailer and played in the dirt with us!  Students learned about planting bulbs, such as which end goes UP!  See if your child can tell you the vocabulary word we use for what plants, such as bulbs or apple trees, do in the winter months!  (Hint: college students sleep in a place that starts the same way....) 
   Mrs. Cooke also found a pod of seeds on one of our milkweeds.  Inside were enough seeds for each student to plant one somewhere in the garden.  Milkweed seeds travel in a really cool way.  Ask your child if they can tell you three ways that seeds travel.  They ESPECIALLY love to tell about one way in particular..... (Hint: It has to do with animals.  Waste not, want not!)  
   The kids also loved watering the garden with the cool "Ghostbusters" watering backpacks!  A HUGE thanks to Mrs. Cooke and J.T.!  Enjoy the show! 


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