Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Biblionasium, Etc...

Here is a new, exciting website that I have shared with the class: Biblionasium.  If you have ever used Good Reads for yourself, you will see that this is a similar, although kid friendly, site!  I've been able to show the kids some limited features in class, as they do need your permission and email to access other features.  Kids can rate and review books they've read, get recommendations from friends, and win virtual prizes for logged reading minutes.
This site is a Beta version, so we have discovered some glitches, such as able to log in one time, but unable another.  Despite that, however, the kids seemed REALLY motivated to use it, and ANYTHING (well...almost) that motivates kids to read and share what they've read is a good thing!  I plan on checking in and hopefully interacting on the site over the summer, so I'll be interested to see if students continue to use it.

Also, I will leave their blogs and  XtraMath up for them to use until I have to enter my next year's class.  Education City will also be available, along with any links from my website.  Great ways to avoid Summer Brain Drain!! :)


Help Desk at BilbioNasium said...

Thank you Miss Perron for your interest in BiblioNasium! We are very excited to have your class on board. We are happy to report that the password glitches should now be resolved. Look forward to your and the kids' feedback. Respectfully, The Team at BiblioNasium.

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