Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat for Troops!

In talking to students yesterday, it came about that they are interested in donating some of their Halloween candy.    I was able to get in touch with Catching Joy and the FF-182 (Friends and Family of the 182nd Infantry), who are doing a candy collection to be sent to the soldiers. 
Please have your child bring in any candy they would like to donate by Friday.  We will also be making notes and cards to include in the packages for the troop.  If anyone has any Scrapbooking paper that is not being used, please send that in, too, as we can use it for some of our notes! 

To find out more about FF-182 which was started and the Connors, a Walpole family, visit!/FF182.  (Believe it or not, Helen Connor is another Blue Bunny connection!)  There is also a packing event planned for Veteran's Day at Blackburn Hall.   Here is the information as provided on Facebook: 

Time: Friday, November 11
11:00am - 2:00pm
Location: Blackburn Hall
30 Stone Street
Walpole, Massachusetts

Please join us on Friday, Nov 11 to celebrate Veteran's Day by supporting an FF-182 packing event. There are several ways to help:

We are looking for donations for the following items:
- children's winter clothing and accessories
- small stuffed animals (new or in good condition)
- bring your leftover Halloween candy!

We are also looking for volunteers to help us pack items for transport to the 182 in Afghanistan.

We are seeking assistance with fundraising to help defray the shipping costs. If you represent an organization, group, or business and would like to attend the event - we can arrange for you to have a table where you can promote your group/biz, have a children's activity/craft, or even hold a sale (i.e. baked goods). We are open to all ideas and welcome the entire FF-182 community to participate!

This event is taking place in conjunction with the Walpole Veteran's Affairs Office Veteran's Day ceremonies on the Town Common.

Please contact us for additional information on how you can help. And stay tuned for more details.
This is a fantastic way to involve the kids in doing something important for Veteran's Day and to say "Thank You" to those who sacrifice for us all every day!


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